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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Coursera –Learn Advanced Courses Online for Free

Coursera is one of the top sites that offer advanced courses online. Coursera has partnered with various universities to offer top courses to millions of students around the globe. The courses offered are under wide range of topics from business to social sciences, Mathematics via computer science among others.
On the other hand, the learning process uses pedagogical foundation approach to instill the skills and knowledge into learners. At Coursera, learners are referred to as courserians.
With 400+ courses from over 20 categories; these come from the contributions of 62 learning institutions (universities) and is continuing to grow day by day.
Learning Methodology at Coursera 
  • Learn from world-class professors and tutors.
  • The exercises are interactive.
  • Ability to test your knowledge.
  • Learn at your own pace. 
Stats as According to Coursera 
  • Over 9,500,000 enrolled.
  • More than 4 million registered courserians are from 195 countries.
  • 331,052 and counting (Number of times students voiced in discussion threads).
  • More than 180,000 students in the most popular class (Which class? Find out by joining). 
Coursera Social Media Stats 
  • 290k Facebook likes.
  • Close to 100k Twitter followers.
  • Coursera ranks 2,582 globally and 2,291 in US.
  • Well linked (Links to 2,718 other sites).
  • About 52% of the site loads faster (Equivalent to1.459 seconds!).
  • US send the largest pie of traffic i.e. 21.9% and least being Singapore at 1.8%. 
Demerits of Using Coursera
Every site has its good and bad features that differentiate it from other sites. Coursera has not been better either! The benefits a user gets from the site outnumber its limitations and this should encourage anyone to grab the opportunity to make plan to learn there. Following are some limitations associated with using Coursera. They include: 
  • Loading time is horrible
  • Software used to learn courses are generally complicated for an average computer user.
  • Hard figuring out worthwhile from flawed courses at Coursera. 
Users' Testimonials About Coursera
As a stay-at-home mom to three young (6 years and younger) children, I don't really have the time or money to be taking college classes for credit at a school. This always really bothered me because I'm the type of person that loves to learn and I love to give my brain a workout. When I saw an article about Coursera in a local newspaper I was ecstatic! I'm currently finishing up my 6th class and am signed up for many more. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect opportunity for my situation!
I've been a guitar and mandolin playing singer songwriter for decades, but thanks to Coursera I'm finally able to learn the necessary tools of songwriting. The course is only in its second week, but it's totally very rewarding. I am so glad I signed up. Thank you Coursera!
Review of Coursera
Education is one of the monuments that we build great men and women on earth. Almost in every country, education is compulsory as the demand is everlasting. "School is not a punishment. It is a place that makes useful men out of boys" -Half A Day by Naguib Mahfouz Coursera aims at giving every students an opportunity to learn quality knowledge, comfortably and at no cost. The need to learn new skills is rapidly growing.
Coursera courses, most take a short period of time like two weeks, months, etc. You can enroll before the course starts or join in when they have already begun. At Coursera, exam and certification are available.
Coursera joint the Internet recently and with time, its future looks bright. The site has a very co-operative team with renowned leadership that will improve its development and success.
Coursera enjoys massive support since its formation in April 2012, and it recently secures $43 million funding. Read story here.

Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

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