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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Personal Quality Vs Price in Service Delivery

How much will you charge me if I can pay for your services? This is the question clients ask always and you’ll give your prices. Isn’t that so?

If I ask you why do you charge that price?

One day you when shopping in due time passed by a shopping mall and decide to window shop. In the process, you saw a particular item that catch your attention and get some interest to check out. And there you enter the mall to confirm if your eyes are not playing a game of your curiosity and not likely to deceive you.

Out of your curiosity, you find that it is not worth buying and proceed to the next mall. At this next place, you happen to find a similar product but it price is either too high or low than the previous.

As a likely customer, you’ll have to choose between their prices and qualities. Isn’t it? Right? Well, how about your services that you give to others?

Price and quality have for a long time been in controversy over man’s choice and want which makes him loss his ability in favour of influence. Some people prefer some things because of quality whether its price is high or low whereas to others, price determine their choice. I don’t know where your stand is or what you go for. All you got to do is speak your mind by having your say in the comment below.

As an individual, to what preferences do you offer your services to other people? Do you give your services per your experiences or quality?

Some mindset people argue that one should go for the one with experience. What if you have had a massive experience and don’t offer value in your experience?

What I found out.
  • Judging quality by its price is what majority do.
  • Giving high quality while the price is low is a challenge to most experts.
  • Majority say that price is more important than quality.
  • The price is not good if we don’t like the quality of your services.
  • Some assume the higher the price, the greater the quality which may not be right.
  • People today tend to go for cheaper services thinking to save money! Cheap is expensive in the long run my friend.
  • They say price is the most important factor to consider when choosing services.

Otherwise, don’t be too quick to dismiss the fact that both are important but you have to make a choice over the two. Personally, I have my own version but I favour quality when I am dealing with long term plans.

Next time you go out shopping, let this ringer in your mind; I am paying for these because of its price or quality? Personal quality in the service that you give is very important because it’s my view that quality gives you satisfaction.

I want to hear from you now and this, you can do by commenting below. Speak your mind now and I shall make sure to get back to you.

Have a blessed day,
Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Steve Jobs, Prof Maathai and Osama B. Laden: 6 Things They’ve In Common

This cruel world. Ten years ago, we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash! This is one of the quote in our local dailies. Well, we actually don’t have jobs, no hopes not to mention cash.

The past three weeks have taken our world by surprises, mourning and shocking news when it was announced that Noble laureate Prof Wangari Maathai had passed on and within a short time, another unbelieving news rock the world.
Before than on in May, Bin Laden had just left the world.

The three personalities came from different background and that is not what I am going to narrate to you but I'd rather beat the bush. Our Jobs was a computer tech geek, Maathai was an environmentalist who had won a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts while Bin Laden was known by every beast.

Among Steve Jobs’ things, he co-founded Apple Inc, and helped bring Mac, Ipad, Ipod you name it; Wangari is another reputable individual and Bin Laden was a man of controversy as you know.

So what 7 things do these individuals possess?

I. Vision To Have an Impact On Others’ Lives

Lately after finishing compiling this article, I stumbled upon Dr Wale’s article; Stand By Your Vision , and You’ll Leave a Mark. He tried to narrate how vision can play a major role in people’s lives that if used well, it can build your reputation as well as brand development.

I agree with him and I believe our three actually left a mark and they all possess the same trait. How and why?
  • Mr Jobs commit his entire life just to change the way we live and communicate.
  • Prof Maathai protect our environment for us and generations to come to live in.
  • Osama Bin Laden fought for his people of which he believe was their right.

Truly they had had this vision of impacting others’ life as I can see now the environment is being conserved, Apple products are going viral while governments are being toppled in respective countries which I believe this three have this same role play which they've in common.

II. Speak Out for Others

The moment they came up, their voices and concern for the sake of mankind never part their lives as long as they walked the planet earth.
They suffered, were dismissed and some had their message neither believed nor heard by anyone and still fought their war to have the message get across the four bottoms of the world and the reason is; for you and I, our children’s sake and the generations to come.

I think if they were doing what they were doing for their own sakes, then, they could have done other money making and life satisfying activities.

III. Loved and Hated Alike

Did you know that they were loved and hated at the same time by people? Humans went against each other when these guys were alive as some believe that they were up for a good cause while others on the other side. Well, it’s anyone’s choice to be on someone’s side but I am far from this and I got my different views and version of stories.

What I have to say is that, they all were loved and hated alike in their worlds of technology, politic and socially as well. I don’t want to know what your stand was but I am pointing out what I want you to know.

Their own people had been divided. For instance, Jobs was sacked in the company which he helped co-founded, Maathai on the other hand, was facing her country's people and likewise to Osama who had to declare war on some of his people.

IV. Are Voices In The Burning Bush

In the midst of all, they spoke and they have voices being heard. Their actions and words not only penetrates into vicinity but also to our souls. I have to say that if you want to be an outstanding person, try to forge your own way of doing things and let the rest follow their way.

Their voices have gave many hope and help them trace and find their own voice to air out issues affecting them. The messages which the passed on did bear fruits in helping transform the lives of some precious individuals who at first did not have a chance of their privileges.

Get it clear that I am not praising them for what they did but I am telling you what I see that they have in common.

V. Obstacles Didn’t Stop Them

They say that if you run into a wall, don’t turn and give up. Instead, figure out how to go through it, climb it or find your way round it and how many are able to do that?

Never did they gave up in their pursuit for the goals which they had set for themselves to attain and you can see an example of Steve who after sacking, never stop designing new innovative products. He even said that, sacking him was the best thing that ever happened to him because he got all the time to be himself. That is to be productive and creative as old Jobs of new products.

Unlike you and I, they have done and never allowed whatsoever comes their way instead used obstacles as their climbing blocks to build the foundations that we currently attribute to them. Isn’t it?

If so, then, that is exactly what we are going to do if you want to brand, grow and develop your reputation. Don’t you know that the road to success has detours, road blocks, straight ways, bumps that you need to overcome in order to reach it?

VI. Love What They Dos

If you love what you do and do what you love, you shall be successful with it if done well and this passion is what the three had in common. The reason why many don’t make it to their dreams and visions is lack of passion for it and it is the contributing factor that may determine whether you are going to go backward or forward.

Some individuals out of their hobbies that they engaged in everyday have discovered for themselves great careers and achievements that could not have been possible if they had venture elsewhere.
You do also have what you love to do while you don’t know that you are sitting on a golden opportunity. Why not explore your life for this and others?

The problem with most people is that they actually don’t know what they love. Instead, if you ask, the person will be more than surprise and short of answers. So he or she will hide this by telling this, that and those which are excuses of depending oneself.

3 Lessons to Learn from them

You maybe asking yourself what is the meaning of all these. I have taken these three lessons that we all need to learn from Prof Wangari Maathai, Steve Jobs and Osama Bin Laden. These are:
  • Identify a need and solve it
  • Identify a problem and solve it
  • Find out what you passion for and go for it.

And those are few but important lessons you can learn from these three people. Otherwise, I have to conclude by saying that, we all have what it takes to brand, grow and develop our reputation if you follow the above three lessons.

I want to challenge you this time to speak your mind by leaving your comment. This is the only which I can know your reaction and I am always in a position to get back to you as soon as possible.
So go ahead, have your say below now and not later.

To your success,
Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

6 Reasons Why There Is No Time Like Present And No Present Like Time

Today is a brand new day like no other day in my life. I just woke up to this blessed, glamorous and wonderful sunny day. The sun has just confirmed nature’s existence over planet earth. You may wonder why I am this way today but I can confess to you that there is no time like today and no today like time.J

7 Reasons Why You’ll Never Experience Success was our previous article and I want to share with you 6 reasons why there is no time like present and no present like time.
First and foremost, I am honoured to have you tuned in to this post. So I am glad and I appreciate it as well.

Humans undertake several life stages which are from birth, initiation(African Traditional Society), adulthood, death you name it. The human population is growing rapidly and life is becoming hard and harder everyday. The present economy is so severe that everyone want to make as much money as one can and put our mouths where our money is.

According to FAO reports released in October 2010, it says that 925 million people are undernourished which is 13.6 percent of the world is 6.8 billion population. The fact is; poverty is creeping it way into our lives and it mean average people will be spending a lot of dollars in order to cater for livelihood.

I want to ask you this question; what if you make today(present) to be like no any other time you ever had?
Well, to give you a leakage of success in life; let me reveal to you the following 6 reasons.

1. Achieve While Young

In the business world, we talk of security of health, wealth and more others which means, being in total control over these and the best time to do and achieve this is when one is young therefore, it is an advantage to the young. And that is why the best you can do to secure your tomorrow is to make your present to be like no any other time in your life when you are still young.
You may ask why, And it is because:

You won’t get the chance to be present tomorrow.
The opportunities available today may not be there for you tomorrow.
New trends and different opportunities will be there.
You may not have the ability to do your best or take advantage of things of tomorrow.
Because of procrastination, you may lose your appetite of things of tomorrow or become lazy.
In reality, you may be fooling yourself today thinking that things are going to be better tomorrow which maybe in vain.

In short, take the present as the building foundation for your future by achieving what you can now while young rather than waiting for tomorrow which will comes with its ups and downs that I am not in a position to predict.

Being old means you lose eye-sight, no longer have the legs to walk you to the toilet or the enthusiasm to read this article BUT I believe you are still young because you still have the creativity which is ever-young in you and experience of your age as an added bonus. Do you think your creativity can get old as your age? No, and I am not kidding!

2. Gain Experience And Knowledge Now!

Our technology has made us so lazy that we think it is making our work easier when it’s actually producing new lazier people everyday and I predict that in the near future, ¾ of world’s population shall be the laziest or dying of poverty because they don’t want to use their hands any more!
I guess you may be wanting to quit reading and your mind suggesting that I wish Malok(me) would have made this post a podcast which if I had done so, you’d have put it aside for later! If that is what’s on your mind, leave it in the comment below.

My friend, if you want life to be better, take heed of these tips by empowering yourself with as much experience as the knowledge you’d like also want for your tomorrow. Do you know that as young, if we all had life’s experience and knowledge of what is ahead of us, there would have been no failures, mistakes but a lot of success stories?

3. Retire Satisfied and Happy

Money experts says that if you want to quit your job or retire young is to have financial pillars and strategies such as investment, assets, a lot of $$$ in the bank. Other advises are compound interest which they say is worthy and recommendable while young.

If you want to retire satisfied and happy tomorrow, today is when you should clear all your debts, credit cards and invest all you can.
Other life hurdles like relationship nightmares, personal and family issues etc should be solved at the present than waiting for tomorrow which shall be time for other better things.
God gave you time which is the present for you to exercise, experiment and use well then wasting it by doing nothing.

4. Take The Bull By Its Horns

The present is the right moment when you should face life’s challenges and make those hard decisions that will determine your future. There is no benefit of sitting over those hot constraints but taking them by their horns which either will be the best decision which you’ll dwell upon in the future or a mistake you’ll learn your lesson and experience which you shall also use to your advantage too!

Do it today because your time is the present which is the only available opportunity and there you go equipped.

5. The Fruits of Tomorrow are In the Seeds of Today

The title of the blog is Pillars of Brand which offers personal branding, reputation growth and development tips to those who want to make the most out of their lives like you!
You may think that I should change the title to something related to the niche but that is another story reserve for another day.

Who you are going to be with or what you are going to have or start at the present whether it is a decision, task or whatever it is; it’s going to impact your tomorrow.

I want to continue to emphasize to you that what you sow today is the same you shall reap tomorrow.
Believe it or not, the seeds you plant today are going to be in the fruits you’ll harvest tomorrow. And this, I mean that what you do today is going to have a share of your fulfilment or failures tomorrow and that is why you should make your time to be like no present and no present like your time now.

6. Fail Today and Succeed Tomorrow

Being afraid to fail and make mistakes today is not going to grant you automatic success but nothing of everything. You have to take action today so as to create room for growth and development of yourself.

Failing today is better because you can recover from it then succeeding at the present and all things vanish in the future and find no resource to overcome such failures.
I am not saying you should fail intentionally but be prepare to overcome if it does, that is taking risks now is going to bear three results which are; failure, success or something in between than staying idly waiting.

This is what will happen; H.Crowquill once said that don’t allow idleness to deceive you; for while you give him your today, he steals tomorrow from you.
Let me say that it is better to fail at present moment than failing tomorrow when you are suppose to be celebrating your success.


It’s my utmost appreciation to you for staying tune to this and other articles. It is now your turn to hear your say if you believe you have something to add or criticize, then it is welcome here by speaking your mind below.

Yours in success,
Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

7 Reasons Why You'll Never Experience Success

People have different perception of how to define success, moreover, rules of achieving it are also many. Some say if you want to be successful; do what you love doing, others says determination is the key and still others claim something between or something I haven't mentioned while I would rather say that there are some reasons which may not allow you to be successful in your venture.

Well, I have been talking of personal branding, reputation growth and development with all these aimed at how you get the most out of your life.
I wrote this article in respond to what control or hinder people from attaining what they dream of. Among ourselves, there are individuals who have done all they can just to be successful but failed, and still, are others who with little or no efforts make it to the top. The key differentiators are the following 7 reasons that will never allow you, I or anyone to be successful.

1. Pessimism define your destiny

To my Apsense readers who read Pessimism Vs Optimism, I chose pessimism. If you are new, read this first and check the other article at Apsense later.
As I said in that article, creativity, productivity and the ability to take risk are the key factors that makes one a real achiever and better person e.g. A successful entrepreneur.

Pessimism has half of it which is good that is good pessimism and the other is bad pessimism, the bad one is what I want to reiterate once more. I want to make it clear that pessimism strangles the key factors of individual success that I mentioned above(creativity, productivity and your abilities). If you allow pessimism to take over those, then, it is going to define your destiny.

Get this clear; where you spend the most is where you will have the most. If your mind is filled with pessimism, you'll have the most of it and I want to caution you earlier. Someone may say how about being both that is an optimist and a pessimist at the same time; well, you shall be both divide by two!

So dear reader, negative pessimism creates in you hopelessness, discouragement, obstacles and hinders you from being the real you. I advise to be careful lest you'll not experience what you dream of because of one word: pessimism.

2. A Chariot? Why A Chariot?

I am becoming lazy and lazier these technological days of our generation that I don't want to check up words in a dictionary. I just used my 'head' to define a chariot.:) Aren't you lazy too to even check a word like mapillary in the dictionary instead you Google it? I am just kidding. We Google it to reduce time. Isn't it?

Anyway, a chariot is a two-wheeled horse drawn vehicle used in ancient time in battle and in racing. In short, it is a machine being pulled around and I am comparing somebody with it. Do you agree? Then let's get down....

Why should anyone be lead by others to take decisions or actions about things that are crucial matters of one's life? If you are one of those who want to be dragged around aimlessly like a toy used by kids and never lead anyone, then, it is what I am talking about and it is about time you look at your image which is reputation. You can't be the tail of others anymore instead, you should stop there because I can tell you that you WON'T EXPERIENCE SUCCESS if you continue this way!

3. Source Of All Odds.

I don't want to stiffen my fingers trying to re-type what I have already done in an article. The source of all odds I mean is Mr. Jack of all trades which you can check. Read 5 Ways To Avoid Being Jack Of All Trades.

If you don't know who Jack is, the article is going to the best source I can recommend at the moment. To put a full stop to what I mean, if you are the source of everything, you will never experience success if you are this person.

4. Don't Have Success Ego.

How many times are you going to be insecure, shy, lack confidence or afraid of failing?
Before I proceed; read these quotes to give you hints.
  • A little knowledge that acts is worth infinity more than much knowledge that is idle.-Kahlil Givran.
  • Everyone tries; some succeed, few fail, and none give up is what success is. My quote.
  • And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up.-Gal 6:9
  • A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.-George Bernard Shaw.
  • The only thing some people do is grow old.
  • Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead-end street.
  • Don't be afraid to fail. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failures. If you're not failing, you're not growing.-H. Stanley Judd.
  • People who don't make mistakes are those who are not doing anything because they fear failure and risks of mistakes.-My quote.
  • I don't like these cold, precise, perfect people who, in order not to speak wrong, never speak at all, and in order not to do wrong, never do anything.-Henry Ward Beecher.
  • Your season of failure is the best time for sowing your seed of success.-John L Mason.
If you don't have success ego in you, you'll always want to coil into yourself like a millipede when touched and that means you'll never experience success.

5. More Haste But Less Patience.

Are you those kind of individual who want to do things as fast as your heart keeps telling you it is the right time before you even lose a piece of your mind? Or one of those impatient guys?
Well, none can accept being called impatient lad or lady even though you are actually one.

Today, I have had the courage to say that I sometime get a 'little' but cool enough to sooth myself down.

Life success imply that if hurry hurry and less patience dominate your being, you can't get it and you have to let your soul wait for success which according to successful people; they say it does not come in a fortnight not even a month's time but patience and less haste will.

6. Slave Of Your Past.

Dwelling over your past is not going to take you forward but backward. You can never buy back the past but you can consume your today and sell your tomorrow depending on how you look at life now.
You can't change the past, but you can ruin your present by worrying over the future.-Walt Disney
People have a tendency of wanting to live their present using the past rather then vice-versa.
If the chains of the past are still holding you hostage, success or whatever fulfillment in life is going to be difficult.

7. Procrastination.

Procrastination is the language of the poor they say! Putting off something is a liability that will haunt you of your precious ideas and will bring you no tangible thing.
The best you can do is; do today what you want to postpone until tomorrow. Never allow the Devil to hold, influence and decide for you. Because he is not only going to hide your visibility of the unseen but do also destroy your imagination.

I have come to notice that the only thing that comes to a procrastinator is old age and I believe you are not one and even far from if I may wink with you.
Wake up now and take action and if you don't know where you are going, then you are on your way.


Now it is your turn to speak your mind. Got any other reasons that can make anyone not to be successful? Just share them or let me hear your say in the comment below.

To your life success,
Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Friday, October 7, 2011

30 + Tips On How To Brand Yourself For Success Part 1

Hi there,

Money Harvester which talks about personal branding, reputation growth and development is today, going to share with you some 30+ tips on how to brand yourself wherever you are.
The first part of it are some 15 tips and part 2 shall entail the rests. So get ready to arm yourself with these tips. It is my my knowledge that you won't know them all but a grip of some of these shall open your eyes.

1.Become A Top Achiever

Becoming an achiever in your niche area and grow your brand is the first step to you branding yourself. Remember that courage separate dreamers from achievers, so be courageous enough to be a top achiever in your field. I believe this is one of the sure ways to grow and develop in order to become a better person in the society.


Be a person who have sensible and practical ideas that you can be able to do or achieve in your dreamed period.


Don't be everything but be something. That is, work per your niche venture and stick to it only. Being specific means you don't go beyond than what you aspire to be or have.


Orderliness go hand in hand with personal branding. You have to be organized while building your brand so as to create room for planning your growth and development while minimizing on failures.
Start by Organizing your time, yourself and your money as you continue to prepare your way for success.


Seriousness in branding yourself while selling yourself is the personal brand toolkit that you need to have when you want to be successful. Taking things easy is not an excuse for failure but how serious you are matters in determining your success.

6.Concentrate On Yourself

Investing your time and money in yourself is the secret tool you can ever have to excel in life. What you need is to concentrate on what is crucial to you and your love ones if extended.


You have to be unique as "yourself" because you are not like others and are not a copy of anyone but you are yourself. Every individual is different from the rest hence the reason for being unique. Where the majority follows is where one is likely to reap failures because it has fierce competition which will not promote but strangle you.


Having a basic knowledge about you and your niche expertise is what you need to brand yourself. Everyone is born clever but how you unleash and maximize on it makes one either intelligent or a fool.


Competition is somehow good for growth and development but sometime can cause unexpected things. There are numerous individuals who want to brand and grow their reputation in life who may either come to compliment you or compete with you. So look out for potential competitors who might be out there.
If you want to be successful, be competitive and position yourself as a risk-free competitive brand.


Team work is power, sharing and networking with people of common interest and purpose and it is highly recommendable for your personal brand.

Cooperate with others and brainstorm each other while helping one another get to his/her feet. We all need each other people because we are not islands but humans!
Team work cooperation can help you brand your reputation as well as opening new opportunities.


Pride of yourself while branding yourself will not build but destroy you. Humility is the best policy when branding yourself because people value you more than your ego.


People hate dishonest people; that is, people who claim to know/have this and that when they really don't have anything or know nothing. I just talked with a friend of mine who on his blog, had posted something about pretending. We conversed about it and actually, it is surprising that more and more individuals need to learn about being honest and start practicing moral values and ethics in business.

If for instance, you are a freelancer, remain a freelancer rather than fooling around with what you are not capable of.

Be honest to yourself and to others too. Do you know that there are three people whom you can never cheat and that before you lie, they already know that you are about to lie? Well, let me give some hints. They are; God, Satan, and Yourself. I guess you had guessed the first two. Right?
If you are promoting a scam program or product; why not go for something legit instead, be honest and be straight-forward about it?


We all have been faced by one, two or more problems that are beyond our capabilities. Neither humans nor nature guarantee anyone to be free from problems but it is a guarantee that someone else maybe a leg, hand or a head to our system to exist. That is, we depend on each other in one way or another.

The secret to success is to be ready to help others realize their way to success.
Benjamin Disrael once said that the greatest good you can ever do for another is not just share your riches but reveal to them their own. Start helping others right now if you have something that you have a success prove of.e.g. a business program, an automatic software that earns you cash while you sleep and etc.

14.Be Patience

You cannot achieve everything in life within a fortnight or month's time but it will take time. Hence, what you need to take you through that period is patience. Hurry hurry has no blessing and things that are done in rush end in shame!

As a successful-to-be person, you have to be patience before things start to unveil themselves.
Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Delay may give clearer light as to what is best to be done says Kahlil Givran.

15.Self Discipline

In the previous article, 6 Golden Ds Of How To Become Successful, I talked of D-Discipline as one of the features to be successful. Once again, I would like to bring it to your attention that self discipline in all aspects of success and in your life as general is a requirement that you need to possess so as to be success.

Your self discipline can be personally, financially, time and before others too! This trait makes you stand out from the rests hence your brand can easily be recognized and sort after.
Speak your mind in the comment field below and feel free to share with friends on Facebook, Twitter and more others too!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

8 Tips On How To Grow And Develop Your Brand On

In my previous article, we had discussed about some 10 common mistakes to avoid as an Internet marketer and the latest touched something on role/importance of technology in our daily lives.
Today, I want to talk about ways of improving your image which is your brand on Facebook.
When Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004; it took few years to take the world into a surprise mood. In the past following years, it has grown its users base drastically than any other social site. According to the Facebook press office, there are more than one million entrepreneurs in 180 countries world wide, though latest studies on the hand according to Twitter statistics, shows that Twitter gets more than 300,000 new users everyday and there is no doubt that social media is going to be our next platform of operations.

People from all walks of life can be found there on (Facebook) with majority owning personal profiles while few have fan-pages. Marketers on the other hand, with most, have now joined this site and are maximizing on it free traffic to boost there income.
As an individual, marketer or whoever you are, what can you do or what does it take you to grow and develop your brand on Facebook?
You have my answer and this is what to do if you a marketer. The following 8 tips will help you harness its unlimited opportunities and they are:

Unveil Your Brand

Got a brand and want to stand out from the rests on Facebook? Whether you want to grow and develop your personal brand or your business brand, you have to show show people your brand. Your brand is as unfamiliar as the less time you use to show it to me or any other Facebook user.

The first thing to do while on Facebook is to unveil your brand by introducing it to the prospects out there. The difference between you and your competitors is what information people know about your brand and your competitors'. The less they know about yours, the more they are likely not to respond to your brand.
Get sometime within your tired schedule and fix this in and let people on Facebook know that your are also there.

Post Breaking News Related to Your Brand Often

There is nothing as new as good news that gets people to stop what they were doing just to hear news. People love to hear something they haven't heard of or sweet to ears!

Got information about your brand that your client/prospects do not know? Your next step is to post news related to your brand. These can be incentives, new add-on-services, offers etc. If you could post this new thing as breaking news on your profile or page; this is going to keep them coming back to hunt for more and new information.
You can post news every time you find some which is worth their knowing and you will have their loyalty at your services.

Start A Facebook Fanpage

You have all it take to grow and develop your brand on Facebook and that is why Facebook has provide a platform which can help you air out anything you want people to know and this is just FREE! New services have been added recently including choosing people who can subscribe to your updates. So it is up to you to decide who you want to know about you and your brand.

Facebook fanpages these days are more than popular like blogs because of it easiness to create and use all at no cost unlike blogs which may require someone skilled to do it for you. If you are serious to get your brand out there in front of its millions of users for free, then, a fanpage is just what you need.

You can create your own Facebook Page or hire someone to do it for you. But it is easy to make one and hence you don't need to spend your hard-earned cash on those crooks who maybe after your money.
Once your page is up and running, start posting about your brand right away. Share your news to friends or connections, and there you go live online!

Support A Cause

A brand which plays a major role in changing the lives of people is on a success track mission. A good cause that your brand or you support let the individuals you are helping or well-wishers identify you and may acknowledge what you did. Though most people undervalue causes, they are in fact, the gateway to your mission determination and achievements.

For instance, if your brand contribute or campaign for one of the causes, this would not only change their lives but also attract attention and that is the reason why some celebrities are trying to support and contribute to charities, foundations and NGOs just to make an impact on others' lives but also improve their reputation.

Create Your Own brand Group

Groups on Facebook are another way you can use to get your brand out there in front of many. If you are a member of one of the group, sharing your brand is easier and convenient as you only have to post it on its wall and the other members of the group read it.
Sometime, other groups have rules which restrict members on what information they share. So it is wise choosing a group related to your brand niche.

To avoid all these hustles and bustles like spamming, out-of-topic contents etc, creating your group is even a better option and it is much easier to create groups than pages and you can do it if you have everything in place. Facebook even enhance it credibility by allowing one to choose one of the options either to make it a private or public group depending on who you want to access it.

Therefore, if you have come to your decision, get down to work now and decide whether to join others' groups or create your own group which you have total control over it. If you choose, to go to others', it is recommended that you join the one that has a lot interactivity on it and popular so as to go viral.

Hold Facebook Events

A campaign that you just organize about your brand is what Facebook events can do best for you and you can imagine reaching out to all your friends, friends of friends and more within seconds!
If you can hold an event and invite all of your friends to it and they do the same, this will neither cost you a dime nor much time but it will bring you traffic!
Organize an event for free on Facebok and invite your friends to attend. In short it is just Create Facebook Event + Invite Friends = Free Traffic

Maximize On Your Forum Area

Do you know that Facebook has a forum area? Yes. It has. There is a question and answering area for all topics which and your friends may want to discuss. Even Facebook pages have their discussion tab for information sharing.
When you logged into your Facebook account, the tab after these two main Tabs (Update Status, Add Photo/Video and Ask Question tab) The Ask Question Tab is what I am talking about.
When you click on this Ask Question tab, you are entered into the forum area and there you can post your question, news etc and moreover, you can choose to add poll option. Here you can be able to post question or answer your friends and others about your brand.
For you to get something out of that area, maximize on this by turning this as your brand's forum area and only you should be answering questions related to your brand or use it to post updates about your on-goings.

Join Your Niche Brand Apps

App is a short form for application. Applications are Facebook add-on-services created by individuals to solve a particular cause or made for fun. There are numerous apps on Facebook which one can find and use if need be.
Developers made these apps for people of liked-interests and purposes e.g. For people who love games, you may find plenty; For businesses or internet marketing, apps such as Branchout, Networked Blogs etc are there for like-minded people in that field.
To join an app which is related to your brand, just search in the Facebook search box. Apps are free to join and if you use them well, you will be surprise at how much traffic or recognition your brand is getting there.


As you can see, Facebook has plenty to offer people like you and I the opportunity to share our minds and that is why it is changing the way people live and connect with each other.

Have a successful day. Won't you?
Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

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