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Thursday, May 15, 2014

5 Ways Facebook Has Brought More Curses Than Blessings

Do You Think Facebook Has Brought More Harm Than Good?
I recently read Steve Hall's "This is How Facebook is Going to Die" with awe but I have discovered that there are more ways it's actually going to die. Below are 5 ways Facebook has casts its curses on us more than its blessings upon us.

As one of the Facebook users, do you think Facebook is blessing us more than its curses or vice versa? Read on.
Facebook is an online social networking site that was created by Mark Zuckerberg with his fellow roommates at Harvard University. Its creation has been beneficial to millions and millions of people worldwide.

People who have been distanced greatly geographically can connect through this site with no expense at all. It has led to reunion of friends and families, moreover, entertained many and people can share photos through it.

Many business men and women have as well benefited from this since they can put up advertisements to market their goods and services at a very low cost.
Despite the many advantages, Facebook has led to the realization of more curses as discussed below.

# Curse 1: Effect on relationships

Firstly, it has led to the increase in infidelity. This is evident from the rising cases of divorce and separations. You will find that even those in relationships will flirt with the new people they find on Facebook at the expense of their spouses. As we all know, nothing is ever hidden under the sun-that is true revelation.

Sooner than later everything will surface and the truth will be known to all. At times, the breakups may be so fatal and others opt for death as the best option. These relationships also encourage the rampant spread of HIV/AIDS in our society too!

#Curse 2: Poor work rate (productivity)
Productivity has also been hindered due to Facebook. Instead of people to fully cooperate in their duties at work, some set aside some time to Facebook. Time is money and waste of it is a setback to all of us.

Students in lecture halls would rather Facebook than listen to the boring lecturer yapping 'nonsense' to them. At the end of the day, nothing constructive will have been achieved.

Addiction to Facebook has also hindered productivity. Someone would stay up late in the night chatting then sleep during the day wasting their precious time which could have been used in fulfilling other activities.

#Curse 3: Moral values are no longer modern issues

Facebook has also eroded morals in the society. People post nude and explicit photos and videos to be viewed by the public. Also some status updates are usually very suggestive.
Children therefore get exposed at an early age to these and with time you will find them using vulgar language, dressing the way they see people do and even it won't be surprising if they go nude.

#Curse 4: Security is #1 priority

Facebook has also disguised many people breaching its security. Many people use the wrong identity in their accounts. This has led to the kidnapping of a number of people.
In some cases, people hack into other's accounts, personalizing them and use them to taint the owners name and nothing can possibly be done about it.

Also, from the job advertisements, people get victimized from the supposed job offers that one has to pay a certain amount to get the job. These employers then get the money and disappear.

#Curse 5: Virus owners are thriving and our computers are dying

Anyone who goes onto Facebook is susceptible to getting a virus. You can end up opening a file that you think is safe because your friend sent it. The links shared by friends could cause great havoc.

Take heed of files you open and share on Facebook otherwise you could end up paying a lot of money to get the computer fixed.
These are the biggest disadvantages of using Facebook. If you are careful of your Facebook activities, you'll be better off.


Always be keen on who you add as your friend because you'll never know when harm is coming your way. Having mentioned all of the above, I can say that Facebook has brought more curses than blessings.

Even though Mr.Hall shared his view on majority of teens shifting away, still adding the above could also kill it as adults will also lose their trust, belief and patience waiting for Facebook to come good.

Without dismissing how important it has really impacted our life, Facebook has values that will bind its users. Do you think Facebook has brought more harms than good? Or what's your view? Share it in the discussion.

Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Review: Importance of Measuring Website Worth

Websites just like any other businesses out there, require someone to investment in their start ups, promotions, maintenance among others. With time, these sites develop into importance assets with their worth at varying rates.

Since the beginning of 21st Blogger, I have been trying to use various metrics to analyze its performances. The reason for doing this, basically, is to get an idea of what has been achieved, what has not been achieve, and moreover, what I need to do now or in the future.

As a website owner/webmaster, you may have been working hard to see your site get quality traffic, rank well on Google and at the end of it all; make sales. The process is not easy but it can take time.

Pros of Website Worth
  • Capital budgeting:-It allows you track and evaluate the amount to invest in activities such as maintenance, advertising/marketing, administration, etc.
  • Returns on Investment:-One of the most important factor in all businesses is the returns you’ll get after investing your money. When you know your website’s worth, you are in a position to know how much profit you have accrued overtime.
  •  Risks and Rewards Assessment:-Measuring the worthiness of your site prompt you to capitalize on rewards it has achieve as well as keep you on toes. For instance, if your site’s weak point is SEO, you would be able to invest in optimizing your site by hiring someone to do it for you or learn to do it yourself.

On the other hand, if you risk being penalized by Search Engines, getting rid or minimizing it would prove helpful.

Cons of measuring website worth

  • Inaccurate & misleading results: - Even though these metrics are quite good, frankly, many come up with assumed analytics hence can end in disappointments. Example, Google webmaster’s analytic tool maybe different from Alexa’s.
  •  False worthiness: - I have seen a number of sites buying Facebook likes, Twitter fans and others influencing reviews. Still there are more other dirty ways used in order to gain incredible values for a website. This especially in the mlm programs that mostly have hidden motives.

What Webmasters Measures

  • Pageviews
  • Unique views
  • User sessions

Websites owners agree that when a site has authority its worth increase. Well, it’s true. If you have wanted to measure the worth your website/blog, below are some few resources that will help you. Do take note that website valuation results vary at different sites.

Best Free Resources

  • Smallseotools
  • Google Analytics
  •  Alexa


Webmasters and marketers alike as much as they try to get accurate results, they should also not rely only on one but rather on secondary and tertiary sources as Dr. Peter pointed out in his Comparing Rank-Tracking Methods: Browser vs. Crawler vs. Webmaster Tools post.

I have discovered that most of analytical tools are unreliable in one way or another. For instance, Prchecker’s uses data from its respective sources such as SEMRUSH, Alexa among others. This mean, any likely hood of data manipulation such as through blackhat SEO, or any other form would automatically mislead.

 In other words, try to measure your site’s worthwhile bearing in mind that content value you invested in, customers’ engagement and their overall actions will affect its worth.

Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to Make $5,000 Writing Articles

Hi Money Searcher,

Making money online has taken out world into jumblers and ramblers of online money seekers who want to make money online.

Whether it’s selling your product, affiliate commission or make $50 per article; all are suitable to make anyone extra or full time income while working in the house!

A note here: Not all are able to earn money online, instead, according to our internet stats (actual) about 97% fail while the 3% are earning passive income online.

I am not sure if you are making money, about to or not getting any income online at all. I am here to explode a little simple way of earning yourself over $5,000 or more writing articles within the comfort of your home.

Article marketing; is it dead or alive?

Internet marketers or proclaimed article gurus are confusing everyone. You can’t understand if it’s actually dead or not. Is it really dead? Share it in the comment below.
I have a different version of the story.

Through my writings (I mean articles), I am getting my income from it though I have some other streams of income like money from my blog, affiliates etc.

Plagiarism, low quality or spammy content have a fair share of the spoil. Article marketing nowadays is like aquatic animals wanting to feed on others e.g. During BP oil spill period. In short, there are individuals who are trying if not struggling to earn through their articles. I am in some ways struggling too!

Finally: The secret is that it is not a dead-end trap but you can make real money.

How to make real money from article writing

I want to take a bold step to show you how to make more than $5,000 writing articles. Content is king. Isn't it? Right. 

Blog, ezines, websites and other die-hearted companies need content which is why you can be paid money to scribble some 500-3000 words on a white piece of paper or blank Ms Word page. And that is where the $5,000 deal lies!

Due to this demand for content sites such as Associated Content (Now YCN), WritersWeekly, Demand Studios, Freelancer or OneSpoonataTime, they are in dire need of your articles. Since I love putting my mouth where money is, I keep article writing for money first as this is where my passion lies.

Do you need any requirements to make money writing articles?

According to many, there is no need. You can be a graduate or whatsoever but if you have the passion, basic writing skills, determination and maybe some bit of frequency of posting keyword-filled articles, you can pat your chest.

Next go ahead and change the name I greeted you with above (Money searcher to money maker) to suit your new role. Otherwise, would you love to speak your mind? You can do it in the comment.

Since I don’t have much to add to this, I have to conclude that you can make real money writing articles. You can find more on where to get work writing articles from Oni’s 30 websites on where to make money writing articles article.

Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Top 5 Legit Jobs I Can Do at Home

What kind of jobs do you think you can do at the comfort of your house? Do you wanna know the jobs I can do at home? If yes, let's get rolling below.

The need for easy, flexible, and passive income jobs is growing. The only jobs that allow one to get are work at home jobs. If you have been looking for real jobs you can do at home, below are proven jobs

Job #1: Blogger

Working as a blogger is one of the jobs that I found to be real and has a lot of potential. When I came to learn about blogging, I weighed my options and decided that this job was suitable for me. There are millions of blogger nowadays who doing these jobs in their houses and offices as well.

Job #2: Affiliate Marketer

Promoting my products or someone's and earn money is also one of the jobs I can do at home. I only have to join any affiliate site like Clickbank or Commission Junction and promote what I love. Affiliate marketing pays handsomely and if you don't have product to sell online, sign up for one of the above sites.

Job #3: Writer

Writing is also one of the jobs I can do at home in my bed. I only have to register at freelance writing sites or write for a newspaper and at the end of the month, a fat check. The job requires knowledge, research skills, and fastness in meeting deadlines. Freelance writing sites are very many.

Job #4: Web Designer

This requires one to be skillful enough and practical approach. Many businesses and individuals are looking for websites. Once I finished my course, I'll be in a better position to design my own sites for personal and commercial use. This job can be done anywhere as long as the below requirements are available.

Job #5: Consultant

This job requires someone to be an expert in a certain field/topic. I realized that I can work as a consultant when a friend of mine on APSense requested me to offer her some advice on her membership program. At first, I wasn't sure what to tell her but as a friend with little online knowledge; I gave her some few tips.

From those tips, her business's profit incredibly increased three times than what it was earning. She wanted to pay me but I turned it down. There is $$$ in this job and clients are willing to pay if your input is invaluable.

Therefore, if I can offer my services at a fee; this job can fit as one of the jobs I can do at home if I choose to.
  • Computer
  • Internet connection
  • Mobile phone
  • Free time
  • How to avoid being scammed at home

    Safety tips
    The jobs I can do at home are quite simple to find online but to avoid fraudulent activities, the following safety tips are important. Remember, I only learn these tips after trying. So for your case, what have you found out? Below are safety tips before choosing a job you can do at home. Educate yourself first.

  • Real 'work at home' programs or 'systems' that you have to pay to use.
  • Pay attention to what other users are saying. E.g. testimonials and reviews.
  • Use your common senses -It isn't possible to read emails and earn $100 per mail. Everyone would do this job. Right?
  • Do proper Google search. You see, if you search, ("work + at home + jobs"), expect to get many results from both legit and illegal jobs alike. The best thing to do is to search on legitimate job sources e.g.,
  • Know this fact:-Google is an information source.
  • Huge promises with less efforts or investments are signs of scams, so avoid them.

    Working at home is fun. I remember the time I earned $57 for the first time online writing some few articles, I couldn't believe it. Even though some work at home programs are legit, scammers/fraudsters want to take advantage of innocent people.

    In the past years that I have been online, I tried many. The experience has made me identify legit jobs I can do at home from ponzis. On the other hand, one thing I have come to learn about these jobs is that, if one is ignorant to learn, job traps have been set.

    The fact that people are in dire need to pay bills, support family among others with peanut salary is frustrating. Take heed that you do your research before going for a job. You'll be surprise if authorities will be chasing you dealing in illicit businesses.

    To sum it up, there are some many jobs I can do at home and so do you too!
    Do you know of any of other jobs you can do at home? Share it in the comments below.

    Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

    Friday, April 25, 2014

    Review: Top 4 Student IT Jobs

    IT students, who would like to work in the IT/ICT sector with their experience and skill limitations, can’t much the requirements of the employment industry.  Most are positioned to enter jobs via internships or less-demanding jobs.

    Pros of Student IT jobs

    • v  First hand job experience
    • v  Competitiveness nature of the employee.
    • v  Compensation is great.
    Cons of IT Student Jobs

    • v  Some fraudsters control a pie in the jobsphere (New word J)
    • v  High competition from other prospects.
    • v  Information overload from too many job sources e.g. online
    Surefire Ways to land IT jobs
    v  Networking
    v  Use Internet
    v  Volunteer if necessary

    Review of Student IT Jobs

    21st Blogger reviewers review jobs available for IT students. They include:

    • Freelancing e.g. Data Entry Jobs e.g. 
    • Typist, writer or programmer.
    • Blogging/Guest Blogging Sales agentInternship at IT firms
    Student IT Jobs  #1: Freelancing

    There are various firms who are looking for individuals with a knack for details and are fast both on/offline. Charging varies going from $5 to $7 per hour. This is a very good opportunity to many IT students with limit skills. Examples are typist, data entry, researchers among others.

    There are many jobs for IT students. Among sites that you can find these jobs are RentAcoder, Odesk, Freelancer, Guru, or some within your area.

    Do also take note that jobs available within your local area can be traced through various means such as newspaper, radio or referral from someone you know/knows you. 

    Student IT Jobs #2: Work as a Blogger/Guest Blogger
    Students in the IT department can also work as bloggers/guest bloggers. This type of jobs is simple.

    For a blogger, you can just register on free blogging platforms like Blogger, Tumblr or Wordpress. Once your site is up and running, post some content and connect it with Adsense or any other PPC site that will run PPC ads on your site. You’ll earn every time a visitor on your blog click these ads.

    Guest bloggers on the other, their job activity is not hard either. If you are skilled in a certain topic, look for related blogs and, request for guest blogging positions. Paid jobs for guest bloggers are available online.

    Once accepted, you can start submitting your posts and at the end of a certain period of time, you’ll get your payment. Examples of such jobs are: write short post and get paid $5 at Lifehacker, guest bloggers wanted at All Things Writing.
    Even bloggers can make money like these bloggers’ jobs at Problogger Jobs Board.

    Student IT Jobs #3: Sales Agent

    The other available job opportunities for students who are in the IT sector are distributorship jobs. Various marketing companies seek students who are willing to market their products and at the end of the sale, a commission is offered.

    Whether it is selling software or other digital IT products, the taste of working as well getting paid a commission is quite irresistible.

    Student IT Jobs #4: Internship at IT/ICT firms

    Most firms do accept interns to gain work experience as they apply what they had learnt at school. In developing countries where technology is lagging behind, IT students have high opportunities.

    As a student, just identify the jobs that match your competencies and launch your application to them.

    IT students should have a reason to smile as it’s now mandatory for almost all job applicants to have basic knowledge in IT/computers. The notable part is that those who are proficient in IT have more chances unlike their peers.

    Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog who writes reviews and general articles.

    Saturday, April 19, 2014

    Coursera –Learn Advanced Courses Online for Free

    Coursera is one of the top sites that offer advanced courses online. Coursera has partnered with various universities to offer top courses to millions of students around the globe. The courses offered are under wide range of topics from business to social sciences, Mathematics via computer science among others.
    On the other hand, the learning process uses pedagogical foundation approach to instill the skills and knowledge into learners. At Coursera, learners are referred to as courserians.
    With 400+ courses from over 20 categories; these come from the contributions of 62 learning institutions (universities) and is continuing to grow day by day.
    Learning Methodology at Coursera 
    • Learn from world-class professors and tutors.
    • The exercises are interactive.
    • Ability to test your knowledge.
    • Learn at your own pace. 
    Stats as According to Coursera 
    • Over 9,500,000 enrolled.
    • More than 4 million registered courserians are from 195 countries.
    • 331,052 and counting (Number of times students voiced in discussion threads).
    • More than 180,000 students in the most popular class (Which class? Find out by joining). 
    Coursera Social Media Stats 
    • 290k Facebook likes.
    • Close to 100k Twitter followers.
    • Coursera ranks 2,582 globally and 2,291 in US.
    • Well linked (Links to 2,718 other sites).
    • About 52% of the site loads faster (Equivalent to1.459 seconds!).
    • US send the largest pie of traffic i.e. 21.9% and least being Singapore at 1.8%. 
    Demerits of Using Coursera
    Every site has its good and bad features that differentiate it from other sites. Coursera has not been better either! The benefits a user gets from the site outnumber its limitations and this should encourage anyone to grab the opportunity to make plan to learn there. Following are some limitations associated with using Coursera. They include: 
    • Loading time is horrible
    • Software used to learn courses are generally complicated for an average computer user.
    • Hard figuring out worthwhile from flawed courses at Coursera. 
    Users' Testimonials About Coursera
    As a stay-at-home mom to three young (6 years and younger) children, I don't really have the time or money to be taking college classes for credit at a school. This always really bothered me because I'm the type of person that loves to learn and I love to give my brain a workout. When I saw an article about Coursera in a local newspaper I was ecstatic! I'm currently finishing up my 6th class and am signed up for many more. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect opportunity for my situation!
    I've been a guitar and mandolin playing singer songwriter for decades, but thanks to Coursera I'm finally able to learn the necessary tools of songwriting. The course is only in its second week, but it's totally very rewarding. I am so glad I signed up. Thank you Coursera!
    Review of Coursera
    Education is one of the monuments that we build great men and women on earth. Almost in every country, education is compulsory as the demand is everlasting. "School is not a punishment. It is a place that makes useful men out of boys" -Half A Day by Naguib Mahfouz Coursera aims at giving every students an opportunity to learn quality knowledge, comfortably and at no cost. The need to learn new skills is rapidly growing.
    Coursera courses, most take a short period of time like two weeks, months, etc. You can enroll before the course starts or join in when they have already begun. At Coursera, exam and certification are available.
    Coursera joint the Internet recently and with time, its future looks bright. The site has a very co-operative team with renowned leadership that will improve its development and success.
    Coursera enjoys massive support since its formation in April 2012, and it recently secures $43 million funding. Read story here.

    Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
     who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

    Review: Would You Love to Pay to Watch YouTube Videos?

    Last year (May), news of our biggest channel where billion of users watch videos for free -YouTube circulated that users who watch YouTube videos to pay. Even though this payment subscription news has been on cloud for sometime now; I took an analytic review of this new approach.

    Videos unlike texts, they are loved by many. In fact 40% are likely to respond to visual (video) than text context. Moreover, a site that has videos on it disposal has a bouncy rate of 59% compares to 87% of textual sites. This also means that a user is likely to spend 5 minutes 50 second on a video site and 42 seconds on a text site.
    On the other hand, videos generate a large amount of traffic. For instance, lately, Batman, through uploads, searches, it generated over 3 billion views which put it on top chart as the most popular and winner. Readfull Batman story on YouTube Trends .
    As you can see above, videos are going to be the traffic sources for most websites in the near future. Just like the way everyone seem to have a Facebook account, at least every Internet user at watch YouTube videos once in a while.
    Facts about paid to watch YouTube videos channels
    • Price -> $0.99 -$6.99 per month -discount available only on yearly basis.
    • 14-Day free trial period
    • At the launch, 53 channels participated - a number which was due to increase.
    YouTube Viewership Stats
    • It receives over 1 billion unique views from users every month.
    • Viewers who watch YouTube videos has increased by 50% more than last year's 2012. I.e. Users each month uses 6 billion hours to watch a video. Factually, this can translates to 1 hour for each person on Earth.
    • In 56 countries, YouTube is available locally in 56 countries and across 61 languages.
    • The rate of subscription has doubled more than last year's. YouTube receives millions of subscriptions each single day.
    • Every minute, users uploaded video worth 100 of hours to YouTube.
    • Close to 70% of visitors/users who watch YouTube videos comes outside of US.
    YouTube Monetization
    So far, even though YouTube wants to add the payment option;
    • Already, YouTube has more than a million advertisers that run on Google ads.
    • TrueView is the commonly used platforms by thousand of advertisers on YouTube.
    • Revenue that will be generated once this becomes fully operational (it is not available worldwide now) looks rewarding.
    Review: Pay to Watch YouTube Videos
    Bloggers and Internet analysts have gone through this new model. Months down the line, it's still getting tested and tasted.
    Consumers have received this with mixed feelings. But most agree that if the premium content is quality, at right price and not free anywhere else, they would pay for it. And that is my take. Does this Sounds good?
    Video makers have an advantage as they enjoy free videos hosting as provided by YouTube.
    You can launch your Pay to watch YouTube videos channel here.
    Food for thought
    Would you pay to watch YouTube videos? Share your thoughts in the comment below.

    Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
     who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

    Wednesday, April 16, 2014

    Top 6 Problems of Outsourcing Your Writings

    In essence, outsourcing occurs most in IT, research, maintenance, customer care/support among others. Since February, many projects have come my way and I decided to give some of these out for others to help.
    Down the alley, it helped me achieve quite a number but problems increase significantly, some beyond me. This added to my experience in the outsourcing world. Lately, realize that I was not alone. In fact, many had had worse.
    I would like to help these pals who are still under the bondage of outsourcing. Below are 6 problems you are likely to witness if you have been outsourcing your writings.

    3 Reasons Why People Outsource 

    • Lack of competent labor within. 
    • Cheapness of external labor. 
    • Desire to concentrate efforts in other important tasks. 

    Advantages of outsourcing your writings 

    • Cost of operation is reduced. 
    • The service is fast hence not time consuming. 
    • Easier access to specialized experts who will guarantee quality. 
    • Output cost is low compared to input. 
    • Low risks as risks are shared with your outsourcing partner. 
    • Gives you flexibility so as to channels your efforts in other vital engagements. 

    Problem #1: Threatens security and confidentiality of information.

    A business performs well through the information that it has within and once these get exposed to wrong hands, it's likely to put the business' future at risk. The information you outsource may holds the lifeline of your business and by giving an outsider a peak into them may not be bed of roses.

    Solution: First evaluate the outsourcing client's services and don't forget to make the terms of service and other policies clear. These include usage and protection of your data from access by third parties among others.

    Problem #2: Lack of product knowledge and customer focus. 

    Most outsourcing clients work to profit and their lack of expertise of your audience and the products can ruin the success of the business. This implies that, they'll work as per their viewpoint. I once tried outsourcing my writings to some guys, though some were satisfying while majority frustrate.

    Solution: We communicate differently and the way you make your clients understand your products is not the same with the way others do. Hence, induction is crucial if you want to get the best out of your outsourcing partner.

    Problem #3: Discourage growth and development of employees. 

    Continued dependency on outsourcing your writings to outsiders will hinders your employees' ability to be innovative and industrious in their work.
    Confidence, belief and loyalty in your workers also get questioned and when they notice it; your relationship get stained and strained.

    Solution: Outsourcing your writings should only happen when your workers' workload is more than they can handle within given duration and capacity. The work itself should be by the one that your firm does not deal in.
    Employees love being appreciated in their efforts to meet your goals and as their boss, you must play a role in making them understand the reasons why you decide to outsource the work.
    Moreover, if you are working for yourself, understand that you are limiting yourself from growing and developing your writings. 

    Problem #4: Recruitment problems. 

    Relationships build via referral-ship (networking) affect businesses in one way or another. Betrayal in outsourcing has been on the increase. At times, the parties that feel let down will go against the other in revenge and in this case influence others who you may recruit in the foreseeable future.

    Solution: Outsourcing is not where all works between you and your client end but rather an opportunity to learn and benefit from each other even in the future. A poor mutual work creates a bad image and as the owner, you ought to relate well with all stakeholders regardless of all circumstances.

    Problem #5: Capital limitation. 

    Some outsourcing companies and individuals in their own power of exploitation charge large fees. Business owners with limited finances cannot venture into large pool of talented professionals. This therefore, means that if they want to get quality, huge investment must be allocated.
    Due to this problem, it has caused many to forsake other vital aspects of the business by straining all available finances to fund outsourcing activities. Otherwise, others ended up hiring clients who'll produce sub-standard works.

    Solution: As much as one may try to be productive in the outsourcing area, it is wise balancing the book so as to avoid one mouth-grab-it-all decision. On the other hand, a proper feasibility studies into outsourcing sector is very important if you want to mine gold in a fortnight.

    Problem #6: Hidden Costs. 

    The contractual agreements involved in outsourcing writings have hidden costs that spring up here and there. For this case, this mainly occurs with foreign/oversea partners who when knowing that there are no proper laws in place; they will use these to deceive. After which, one'll only realize this later.

    Solution: It's your duty to analyze all information from terms and conditions, privacy policy to all your rights. In regards to freelance writing world, we opt to make things easier by going via short cuts.
    Though this option is preferable by many, it is a surefire way to downfall and therefore, you need to be prepared in all fronts to avoid misunderstanding and legal confrontations.


    Outsourcing your writings increase productivity, makes you flexible as well as rewarding. It's recommended that you evaluate before you outsource your writings. Have you ever outsourced your work to someone/firm? What problems did you witness? Share your experience below.

    Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
     who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.
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