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Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Break Bad Habits And Make Changes

This is a new guest post by our latest member to join us. Check out about this author at the end of this post.
Rare is the person who does not have at least one bad habit they would like to break. In fact most of us probably have more than one. However, as Mark Twain once observed, "Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs and out the door a step at a time." But if we can't just fling our bad habits out the window, coaxing them out the door need not be an endless process. In fact, most habits can be broken in less than a single month of serious effort, and even the worst habits seldom take more than several months. Here are five simple steps you can make towards breaking your bad habits.
Be Aware
It's hard to change something you don't know the extent of, and most of us have a tendency to underestimate the degree of our bad habits. People with bad habits are notorious for thinking they indulge in them less than they really do. This is just human nature, we all tend to magnify our good qualities and downplay our bad. Therefore write down every time you do what you want to change so that you have a realistic idea of the size of the change you want to make.
Be Motivated
Simply knowing what you should change doesn't mean that you will change. Many of us go long periods after we've decided a certain behavior is not good for us still continuing with that behavior. No outside force has the power to compel you to stop your bad habits. Only you can provide the motivation, so don't try to quit your bad habit until you feel sufficiently psyched to do it, because if you don't really want to quit than your chances of success are poor.
Be Committed
Once you've really decided you need to break that habit and that you really want to do it, the question becomes how committed you are. Many are the people who say they should, or would or could if only, but who never actually do anything. Plans are fine, but are not worth much if they remain only plans. Only by committing yourself to action can the process of breaking your habit truly begin.
Be Consistent
We've all had the experience of trying to do something, but then approaching it from so many different angles that in the end nothing really gets done. That is a common occurrence when trying to break habits, so once you've decided on a course of action - I will smoke one less cigarette a day for example - then do that and only that. Don't speed up, slow down or alter your habit breaking plan or you may soon find you have no plan at all.
Be Kind
The person you should be kind to when trying to break a bad habit is yourself! Don't beat yourself up over past failures or tell yourself bad things about yourself to "force yourself" into quitting with shame and bad feelings. Few of us succeed at things we find unpleasant, and making your habit quitting a form of self torment can only increase the chances of failure. Instead praise yourself for trying and congratulate yourself for each milestone reached, however small. Give yourself little rewards when you do the right thing. By attempting to change yourself in a positive way you are improving yourself and the world so give yourself all the praise you deserve.
If you use these five steps and are true to your goal, your eventual success is all but guaranteed.

5 Tips To Simplify Your Life

This is a guest post by our new member. Please check out about this author at the end of this post.
There comes a time (or a few) in everyone’s life when you have to face facts. Don't spend all your time in denial if your life is not going as it should. Most people sit around wishing for more than 24 hours in the day. The truth is that most of these people are not doing all that they could do with the hours that they have. This problem is rarely a need for more time. The answers to simplifying your life often involve maximizing the time that you have. The following are 5 tips to help put things into order and perspective.
1. Throw It Away
Tons of things are often just lying around the house. Most people have no idea why they are keeping some things, but they are certain that they need them. This can become one of the biggest time, space, attention and energy wasters in the world. Trying to continuously make space for things that you don't need can be a burden. Take the time to go through your belongings on a regular basis. Throw away everything that you don't need and make room for new items.
2. Scan That Paper
In the midst of throwing things away, the average person will inevitably come across many documents that they do need. The problem is that most people cannot find important documents when they need them. This is where organization comes into the picture. There is no need in spending a ton of time making room for documents and paperwork that can't be found when needed. It is better to scan some things and create virtual folders. This allows easy access to these documents when they are needed most.
3. Make Regular Donations
Some items you don’t need anymore are still useful. In fact, whatever is no longer of value to you may mean the world to someone else. Don't be wasteful. Gather up items that are merely taking up space and donate them to a Goodwill or Salvation Army. You will feel better and you’ll have less clutter in your life.
4. Daily Agendas
No one can do everything in the course of a day. Most people can't do half the things they set out to do in a week. This is why daily agendas are important. These allow individuals to break up their assignments and remember the succession of tasks. At the end of the day, an agenda also gives people an idea of what has been accomplished. This makes it even easier to prepare for the next day.
5. Modern Technology
Some people spend a lot of their time running from technology. It's an inevitable force that appears to consume everything from jobs to the way that people shop and listen to music. It is safe to say that it cannot be avoided, so people should stop running from it. Learn how to pay bills and shop online. This will help you simplify your life by saving you time and money, and you’ll also help the environment out!

People’s Power is Profit and Prosperity

The quality of being popular and famous among our peers is an important asset that every person love to have. Few people possess it and we look unto these individuals for counseling, guidance, mentorship as well as being our role models.

Celebrities play a major role in changing our attitudes and perceptions that later define how we act and respond to life issues. Having people’s power though most-wanted by many, it is only to a few as either God given or learned. The other is what I am going to talk about.

Acquiring people’s power

Attraction or charisma is another definition of having people’s power. That is learning how to attract people to do for you whatever you wanted in life is the theme of today’s article. For one to acquire or learn the charisma, I have put forth someone tips that you can use to have people with you always.

Having charisma is important especially to those seeking to serve other people in leadership positions. Others who want attention from other people do need this to improve their image or for any other reason for wanting it.

For you to effectively harness people’s power, one need to learn people first by understanding the needs of others, expectations, limitations and solutions to their problems. Through mentorship and coaching, a person can acquire it.

How to harness people’s power

Most individuals, who love to be popular or attract others, even though they learn, still find it hard to attract others. As humans, the way we relate to each other also catalyst charisma. If you want to possess this asset, some social skills and deeds play a role in making others to be attracted to you. Just learn to do some simple things like:
  • Help and serve the people.
  • Be an expert yourself.
  • Build your world e.g. a blog in a particular niche.
  • Pride less and humble more.
  • Acknowledge others through endorsements and recommendations.
To go through each of these in brief, firstly, you know that helping others is not aim at getting something in return but you do it by your will and desire to serve humankind. Learn to help others who are stuck in their problems because you never know that one day you might be in your own problem.

Moreover, creating a niche that can help you serve people in your capacity and ability is one other important point to take note of. Look at individuals like Maria Teresa, Wangari Maathai, Steve Jobs, Mahatma Gandhi and others who committed and contributed in seeing changes in the lives of other people.

For people to be attracted to you, become somebody of influence in knowledge, wisdom, experience and skill that you can use to help others. Take community initiatives like planting some trees, cleaning the street; create a blog to inform people in your area, etc.

The others are self-explanatory and I cannot go through all of them but just understand that, the few above can create interest in others to know you and what you do.

Where to get people’s power
You may ask where you can if told to learn attraction. Below are some few places:
  • Blog, website and portfolios.
  • Social networks.
  • Seminars and webinars.
  • Social causes, functions and gatherings.
For you to learn to have charisma at such places, you need to change your mindset, be proactive, and assist others where you are able.

Is people’s power profit and prosperity?

People’s power can be use to make money and improve reputation. Take examples of public relation, this involves linking products to public figures (celebrities) catapult sales. It is easier to generate sales when promoting your product through people who have influence because people trust and look unto them. I do think that people’s power is profit and prosperity.

Best regards,

Malok Mading –Is the author of this blog
 who writes reviews and general articles. Join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Geeks Vs. Hipsters

A guest post by Absolutelytrue.

It seems the world is run by geeks, designers of video games and computer languages, while hipsters, somewhat free-spirited artsy people, retaliate against the norms of international society.

Geeks rely on rationality as a basis for their needs unlike the emotional drive of hipsters. In other words, the late Steve Jobs was not a fashionable person because he wore glasses due to a vision problem. Therefore, overweight geeks would not wear skinny jeans if they lack the body figure for such clothing.

Hipsters are expressive people as stated in their odd fashion and behavior. Thus, some artists and photographers are hipsters. It would be common to infer hipsters as the supporters of androgynous or gender-bending fashion. Also, hipsters live in their own enclaves because they are viewed as a fringe of society. Some people argue that hipsters are ostracized by society even though they are just individuals enjoying non-mainstream culture.

From: Become Career

Geeks vs. Nerds

This is a guest post by Absolutelytrue

Until very recent times, being referred to as a nerd or a geek has always been a bad thing. Watching movies from the ‘80s, it’s painfully obvious that the terms were considered derogatory and meant to keep certain people in a clique of their own. Though it’s hard to understand why, at some point kids started referring to themselves by one or the other of these names, and many take pride in the labels. Understanding the difference between the two is important to know whether it’s a good thing or not.

Most people realize that there is some difference between a nerd and a geek; they just don’t know what it is. When examining the two labels, it becomes obvious that there are stark differences between the two. Knowing what each of these titles implies will help you conclude whether you appreciate the title or not.

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